Dearpacker lab collection sheet mask review: anti dry & hydrating| worth the hype or not
Welcome my angels! How are you? Today I am gonna […]
Well! This is something I wanted to talk about long ago. It is basically one such reason that motivated me to start my journey as a blogger. Just like any teenager, I had bad skin days too. But, things aggravated when I started applying a Topical Steroid.
Question is, why did I do it? Why did someone recommend me in the first place? How I saved my skin afterwards? In this article, I am going to share everything I have experienced and learned so far. Put on a mask and stay tight; because this skin journal is going to be pretty long. So, let’s begin with.
It was around the time when I have just hit the age of 14. I had always been a girl with a medium complexion. My skin was dry but not sensitive as it is now.
So, on a fine day, there was this aunty in my neighbourhood who told my mom how fair her girl has become. Since she has started applying this ointment, her complexion has improved a hundred times. My mom was curious. Finally, the lady revealed that ‘Betnovate C’ is the name of ointment.
In India, people have a common misconception that fair is lovely and fair is beautiful. And, I have to confess that my mom fell into the trap too. So, we bought it and started applying it religiously.
I must say that things were going really great. For 1 year, I saw significant improvement in my skin tone. My medium complexion bent towards fair one, all of a sudden. My lips became red. And, compliments started pouring. As a teenager, I was in the 7th sky.
After a year, I noticed something odd. I found one or two zits filled with puss is coming out every now and then. It felt as if my dry skin has become oily all of a sudden.
Everyone felt that those zits are basically acne. And the common saying is acnes are normal especially during teen days. So, I stopped treating those zits.
But, it was not the only problem. I also noticed that whenever I step outside in the sun after applying Betnovate C, my skin starts burning like hell.
Back at that time, I never knew about the importance of sunscreen. So, my regular moisturizer was the only product I used to apply all the time.
In this way, one more year passed. And, more problems started ringing the bell.
Yes, you have read it right! After two years, all of a sudden I found that I had developed an unusual pattern of facial hair. Now, facial hair is something that does not run in my family. None of my relatives has this weird thing; not even the distant ones. It was pretty awkward.
But apart from all these, I also noticed another thing. On days, when I did not apply the ointment, blisters used to appear all over my face especially around my lips. In fact, I also noticed itching all over my face. But, those symptoms used to disappear right after the application of the topical steroid ointment. Undoubtedly, my skin was heavily damaged at the end of 3 years.
After realizing the degree of damage I have caused to my skin, it was time to repair. Repairing damaged skin is something that is easy to deal with. Just using a couple of products recommended by celebrities or influencers is not the solution.
Skin when damaged to this degree, needs a dedicated treatment that can heal from deep inside. But, things were not easy back at that time. I faced two difficulties. First of all, zero knowledge about how cosmetics work. And also, money.
In the starting days, I made a few mistakes. I was using random products based on popular skincare believes and myths. It never caused me anything good. Here are 5 of the myths that I debunked. Have a look; because, you might fall prey to such myths anytime.
I guess this was one of my biggest mistakes ever to believe in such things. When a celeb endorses a brand or a particular product, they just promote the product in return for some benefits or money.
They hardly know what goes inside the products. In fact, you might have seen how the celebs apply the products on their face or body. Well! Trust me. In most of the ad shows, fake things are shown.
Well! Initially, I made the same mistake too. And obviously, the result did not turn out well. So, do not buy a product based on this myth.
This is another myth that troubles millions of minds. A good skin profile has nothing to do with a lot of products. All you need is a simple skincare routine. And also, products that are really suitable for your skin.
I can still remember how I depressed I used to feel because I had no money back then to buy so many products. Back then, I used to have this vibe that my skin would not be repaired or healed ever. But indeed, it was just a myth.
Nope! This is the biggest lie ever. You do not need to stick to one brand to get glowing skin. If you had ever been to a cosmetic counter, the SAs would always try to push you in such a way so that, you end up buying products from a single brand. Whether the brand is The Body Shop or Biotique or Lakme, it happens everywhere.
Well! Brand value is not what you need. You need products that work for real. You need to know the ingredients in-depth to understand the behaviour of the product. Of course! It is not an easy task.
And that’s why we are here. In my blog Cosmetics Arena, we make sure every product review comes with ingredient analysis. Brand value is something we never really care about.
There is no doubt that this myth is believed by many. As a skin enthusiast, I can vouch for that. During my initial days of recovery, I never gave the labels any importance. Indeed, I made a mistake!
The labels say a lot about the product. Especially, if you notice how the ingredients are written. You would know how the product is going to feel on your skin.
If a face wash says it is an Aloe Vera face wash, then Aloe Vera would be placed in the ingredient list at least in the 4th position. Ingredients are mentioned in the label in a scientific manner.
The Thumb Rule says,
In a product where 30 ingredients are used, components that are mentioned in the first 10 positions, are used in higher concnetration.
The 10 components mentioned in the middle are used in medium concentration.
And naturally, the last 10 components are used in lowest concentration in the formula.
Brands like Khadi or Biotique, often mention Key ingredients. But always remember, key ingredients are not enough to make a product. It is just part of the ingredients. So, be very careful while you check out a product whether it is online or offline.
Drinking at least 8 glass of water is something always recommended. But that does not mean, you always need to drink more.
Your requirement for water intake is proportional to your weight. So, 8 glass can be 10 glass as well. But, before you stick to any number, make sure to check your weight and body type.
So, I debunked all these myths in the initial days of my recovery. I would not say that after stopping the use of Betnovate C, I saw any improvement. I was indeed happy to see that there were no popping up zits.
But, the itchiness and rashes continued appearing even after that. All those years of torture made my skin vulnerable. I would not lie! There was a time when I used to rely more on makeup rather than a proper skincare regime. Honestly, nothing worked out well!
In 2013, I started reading about ingredients online. I found a number of websites like EWG, Cosmetics DNA, Paula’s Choice to know more about ingredients. All these websites helped me to understand the difference between good and bad components.
And, I started reading the labels. Gradually, it became my habit. Whenever I used to visit a mall or shopping cosmetics online, I used to take a glance at the ingredients rather than the price tag in the first place. Somehow, I could sense whether a product would work for me or not.
It helped me in two ways. First of all, it saved my money in many ways. And second of all, I used to buy only those products that I believed would work for me. Interesting, isn’t it?
Within a year of my blogging journey, I figured out that I need a simple skincare routine. And also, I need products that are free from harmful chemicals. In fact, it was the time when I started using more and more organic & natural products.
The three products I used to apply are
Along with those routine, I started using sunscreen as well. Well! I must say that all of these things made my skin amazing than ever before.
Before coming into the blog-o-sphere, I used to think that I am the lone survivor. But gradually, I realized how wrong I was.
In 2018, I got a Quora message from a girl who was suffering from the same problem because of the same Topical Steroid. She was in pain indeed.
So, when she shared her problems with me, I tried to solve her woe in ways that had helped me earlier. Here are the screenshots that I would like to share with all of you. Have a look!
So, I gave her the list of products I trust and also that would be suitable for her skin type.
This was her feedback after giving those products a trial for just 2 days. Surprising the result was!
And, this was her final feedback regarding the solution I provided her. I could sense how happy she was. Indeed! I was happy too.
Honestly, I don’t want to lie and thus, the answer would be a big ‘NO’. Facial hair is still on my face. And, I cannot do anything unless I wax or thread my face.
As I said, my skin was always dry but the Topical Steroid made it sensitive. And now, I am going to carry on with my dry and sensitive skin forever.
Sometimes I think, nothing of these had ever happened, if I had not thought about fairness and all.
Lastly, as a blogger, it is not possible to stick to one product. So, despite knowing how sensitive my skin is, I have to apply tons of products to my skin every now and then.
But, my skincare routine has made me courageous enough. I am not afraid anymore to put on anything on my face. Indeed, it has improved my self-confidence.
Remember dearies, no matter what your skin type or complexion is, adore that. You can always improve your skin texture.
But, never ever try to change your complexion by using Skin Whitening products. After all, Fair is Not Lovely Always. Let’s start #FightingWhitening.
And that’s all for today! I hope you find my experience helpful. Subscribe to Cosmetics Arena for more such posts. Take care; celebrate life.