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A warm welcome to all my dear Cosmetics Arena readers. I hope you are enjoying my blogs. As promised, today I will discuss some basic ingredients that must be avoided while buying shampoo.

5 Ingredients to Avoid While Buying a Shampoo

You might have noticed that most of the commercial shampoos contain the following ingredients:

Sodium Laureth Sulfate or SLS

 a very commonly found ingredient which is mainly used as surfactant. This is also known as industrial detergents. HAZARDS: moderate

Cocamidopropyl Betaine (remember it as Cocabeta)

It is used as synthetic surfactant, a very commonly found ingredients in shampoo. According to SKIN DEEP website, it can cause alergic reactions. Ecotoxicity is moderate. In fact its usage is moderately restricted. Hazards: moderate

Parabens (a.k.aMethyl Paraben/propyl Paraben)

Widely used in most shampoos and cosmetics as preservatives. Moderate to High hazardous ingredient. But many brands are now looking for alternatives.

Benzyl Alcohol

It is used as solvent and preservative. Its use is moderately restricted. Moderately hazardous. It can cause allergies but chances are low.


One type of terpene. Used as fragrance ingredients. Moderately hazardous. It can cause allergies at moderate rate. And its use is quite restricted.

These are commonly found ingredients which must be checked out before buying any ingredients.
Another thing I would like to share with all my dear readers that ingredients are listed from high to low quantity. Example: water, SLS, citric acid is written on a product in this order. It means that water is present in the product in high amount, SLS in moderate amount and lastly Citric Acid is used in low amount.
That means suppose Linalool is mentioned at the end of list, so obviously the effect would not be much considerable. But better is to avoid. Because after all we know that prevention is better than cure…😊😊😊
I hope this article is useful to all of you. Take care my dearies and celebrate womanhood everyday.

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