Aroma Essentials Butter Drops Hair Mask Review

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Happy Friday sweethearts! Today I will review the Aroma Essentials Butter Drops Hair Mask. Aroma Essentials is such a brand that I trust a lot. And I am genuinely a fan of their products. 
This hair mask arrived at my doorstep when I was facing serious hair problems. It was the first time I used a hair mask. So, let me go through the details.
Price: INR 650 for 100g
Shelf Life: 6 months
Product Description and Ingredients:
This hair mask is a beautiful blend of Pro Vitamin B5 and B3 and Vitamins A & C. It is also enriched with butters, Extra Virgin Coconut oil, Sesame oil, Olive oil etc. The butter layer can be easily seen from outside. And if someone shakes the bottle, it forms a smooth mask. I find this part amusing :P. Overall, full marks for these awesome components. 
My Experience with Aroma Essentials Butter Drops Hair Mask 
My hair is not chemically treated or damaged. But it is true that I was facing a lot of hair troubles when I got this. 
The butter is packaged in an usual plastic bottle and enclosed with a white flip flop cap. The cap controls the amount properly. And I think this makes the product quite travel friendly. 

The texture seems quite heavy from outside but fortunately it is not. In fact it feels very light and almost runny. It also gives me a cooling sensation.

The aroma is fresh, nothing dramatic. It has a feel good factor.

I have applied the mask at least 4 times. I generally keep it for 2 hours and then wash it off with a shampoo. On my first use, I mistakenly took a lump sum quantity. But only little goes long in this case. The buttery texture just spreads really fast and hair shafts absorb them quickly.
It gives me a manageable mane that feels soft, smooth and healthy. 

***CA IMPRESSION: 4.8/5***

Aroma Essentials Hair Mask is an all rounder product. It not only treats the damaged hair well but also gives you the shine and lustre you are craving for. I am happy with the results. It is a perfect product for those who loves monthly hair spa. You do not need any other product. I do recommend this hair mask to everyone :)). 

Have lovely weekend dearies. Take care. Love you all. Let us celebrate womanhood together. To know each and every details of my life, you can log in to Instagram and follow me there :)).  

Thank you for reading. Have you used any hair mask lately? Please share your experiences here. Love you all.

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