Why is Your Skincare and Haircare Regimen Incomplete Without Mustard Oil?

Mustard oil is an age-old thick oil that is known for its skin and hair loving properties. Know the benefits, the alternatives, and also other interesting facts.

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Cold-pressed oils are considered the best grade of ingredients in the food industry because they promote healthy living. For example, the humble mustard oil, with the Kachchi Ghani label, has been the cooking staple in most Indian households for generations.

It is one of the most widely used oils for cooking and pickling and follows the same process as cold-pressed oils. It is also among the most affordable oils with antioxidants and heart-healthy nutrients.

Why is Your Skincare and Haircare Regimen Incomplete Without Mustard Oil and Castor Oil

But did you know that oil benefits healthy skin and hair care? The oil has a high concentration of alpha-linolenic acid, Vitamin E, which slows down skin aging, and Omega-3 fatty acids that build up our immunity and make hair healthier and the skin radiant. This makes it an absolute must for your skincare regimen.

How is cold-pressed oil extracted from mustard seeds?

Let us first understand how mustard oil stands apart from other edible oils. Most cooking oils are highly refined, which makes them light but also robs them of essential nutrients that are healthy and desirable.

They are like RO water, which also removes the healthy minerals along with the toxins. This deprives us of the natural goodness of many nutrients.

With this oil, the heavy texture you get is because the seeds are usually cold-pressed. This helps keep the seeds’ strong flavor intact.

The Kachchi Ghani oil refers to oil that has been extracted from mustard seeds at low temperatures. Besides making the oil thicker, this process also helps it retain antioxidants, essential oils, and natural minerals. It is healthier than those refined vegetable and seed oils sold over the counter.

It is known as golden nectar 

In its cold-pressed form, this oil is also billed as gold nectar for its therapeutic and anti-aging properties. In several countries, including India, this oil is used for massaging and lending strength to the bones. In addition, it is used as a hair oil and also as an additive in face and body packs.

Here are some reasons why you should consider using this oil on your skincare and hair care regimens:

1. A natural cleansing agent 

This oil is a great skin cleanser and exfoliator. The oil has versatile uses and can be mixed with various natural ingredients available at home to create DIY cleansing packs for the face, arms, and legs. It has a natural tendency to clear out facial pores and rid the skin of dirt and germs.

2. Loaded with vitamins and antioxidants 

Monounsaturated fatty acids make up almost two-thirds (60 percent) of the oil. The rest of its composition is polyunsaturated, Omega-3 and 6 linolenic acids, and saturated fats.

Its brilliant composition boosts immunity and makes the user resistant to allergies that can trigger skin conditions. It is loaded with Vitamins A, B, D, E, and K, making it healthier than other oils.

3. An Excellent hair tonic 

One of the most underrated benefits of the oil is its effect on our hair. It is rich in minerals such as iron, magnesium, and calcium, promoting healthy hair. It also has dollops of Vitamin E, which is linked directly to good hair and skin. The oil is easily absorbed by the scalp and is, therefore, very nourishing.

Its antifungal and antibacterial properties make the oil a great remedy for dry scalp and dandruff. It is also used to address frizzy and falling hair. No wonder it is a wholesome hair tonic!

4. Natural conditioner and moisturizer 

The oil has traditionally been used to treat dry and chapped skin. It is a winter staple as a massage oil and is used in several parts of the world.

It is known to offer instant and long-lasting relief from chronic dry skin. Because of these properties, this oil is a traditional favorite for strengthening the arms and legs of infants and toddlers.

5. Anti-aging properties 

The oil has the same properties that one identifies with a natural stimulant. Since it is loaded with antioxidants and has all the essential minerals, it helps increase the threshold of our skin and hair to the effects of natural aging.

It stimulates our sweat glands and strengthens the red blood cells. Its regular usage with the right ingredients helps boost blood circulation and makes the skin clearer and supple over time.

6. Treats rashes and acne 

The oil is usually identified as an edible oil with a pungent smell. But the oil is anti-inflammatory which makes it ideal for treating skin rashes. It can also be mixed with face packs to treat the outbreak of pimples.

7. Antibacterial and antifungal 

One of the notable benefits that come with regular use of mustard oil is that it helps prevent skin diseases. The oil extracted from mustard seeds is inherently antifungal and antibacterial.

It has Glucosinolate and Isothiocyanate that fight bacteria and fungi, respectively. The presence of these active ingredients thus reduces the risk of infections considerably.

Is There Any Other Oil that is Equally Beneficial as Mustard Oil?

Well, you may also use castor oil in its place. It comes enriched with Ricinoleic acid, a naturally occurring monounsaturated fatty acid.

For those who may not know, monounsaturated oils are very healthy for skincare routines, especially in the winter seasons. They are also used to moisturize the skin cells to stay resilient to seasonal changes and dryness.

Castor oil hydrates the skin, nourishes hair, and makes nails healthy. In addition, it is made from cold-pressed castor seeds, which also helps the user avail the best of its benefits. Being free from toxins makes it even better.

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