Lakme Blush and Glow Peach Face Wash Review

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Hello my dear buddies, how are you?.😊.Today I will talk about Lakme Blush and Glow Face wash which has peach extracts. 
Recently I bought this from A few months ago it came into the market and has already become quite popular. 
Lakme-this brand makes me nostalgic. In my childhood I had seen my mom to apply Lakme Compact and Lakme lipstick, which she used to admire a lot. I hope this face wash makes me happy too..let’s find it out..😊😊
Price: Rs. 99 for 50g
Product Description and Ingredients
My IMPRESSION about Lakme Blush and Glow Peach Face Wash
The product is packed in a flip-flop tube which has a tiny hole in the mouth. So, the product comes in a proper amount, thus no chance of wastage. 
It is an orange gel with micro crystalline waxing beads.
I religiously apply a night cream, so I usually need a good cleanser to wash off all the oils in morning. I have found that this washer cleanses properly and gives an instant refreshing look to the face…but does not provide any blush like glow..😛😛
The fruity smell instantly uplifts my mood in the morning and it lingers on for a long time. 
As I said earlier that I am a dry skinned woman which is sensitive too..😡😡. So, I never miss my moisturiser. I felt that this gives me a very stretchy feel which I do not like at all. 
Within 5 minutes of application my skin becomes hungry for moisturiser. Well it is true that it does not promise to deliver a moisturised skin…so not a Con at all.
Now let me sum up the Pros and cons.
  1. Atrractive travel friendly packaging.
  2. Budget friendly face wash.
  3. Cleanses very accurately.
  4. Gives a cooling sensation because of Menthol.
  5. Suitable to sensitive skin, I think oily skinned beauties can use it would balance the sebum production.
  6. Micro beads are present in ample amount.
  7. Heavenly smell which lingers on longer.
  8. Paraben free formula..😊😊
  1. Skin feels stretchy…😢
  2. Peach extract is present in low amount.
  3. No blush like glow..😛
  4. Sensitive nose may find the smell to be overpowering.
***CA IMPRESSION: 4.8/5***

Yay..I would definitely recommend this facewash..😊😊. And I am gonna repurchase this as soon as I finish it..😊😊😊


Be happy my you all..take care and celebrate womanhood.
Thank you for reading. Have you used Lakme Blush & Glow Peach Face Wash? Please share your experiences here. Love you all..😊

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