Vedantika Herbals Ubton Review: Bring Back The Glow in this Wedding Season

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Vedantika Herbals Ubtan Review||Bring Back The Glow in this Wedding Season

Hello, my angels! Welcome to Cosmetics Arena. So, today I am going to review the Vedantika Herbals Ubton, or Ubtan. I have always been a fan of ubtan. My mom used to make a paste gram flour, rose petals and rose water. Honestly, this typically worked as a savior in those times where there were no fancy readymade face masks in the market. I still love ubtans and occasionally use them, but usually, make them at home because mostly they are very costly.

Vedantika Herbals Ubtan

So, when I got a chance to use the Vedantika Herbals Uptan, I felt really happy. Now, let us proceed to the review.

Price: INR 25 for 10g. Exactly, you saw it right. These ubtons are available in a pouch packaging also. A single pouch is enough for 3 to 4 times usage. You can also go for containers. 115g retails for INR 199. 

Shelf Life: 18 months from the manufacturing date.

Product Description and Ingredients:

Vedantika Herbals Ubtan Ingredients

I really loved the ingredients. This Ayurvedic formula is suitable for ALL SKIN type. Rarely have I seen any ubton to have Amba Haldi and Snehaphala in them. It again proves that this ubton formula is quite well researched.

My Experience with Vedantika Herbals Ubtan

Vedantika Herbals Ubtan Texture

These pouches are extremely traveling friendly. They have provided all the details on the pouch-like from ingredients to how to apply, which I felt is something brilliant and logical. The quality of the paper is also quite good and hard. So, I love their way of packaging.

How is the texture and Color?

The granules are very fine; do not feel harsh on the skin. And it forms a smooth paste. The yellow color brings my childhood memory back. The red rose petals provide a glamorous look to this ubton.  

Vedantika Herbals Ubtan Paste Does it have a bothersome smell?

Talking about the aroma; It has a beautiful aroma of Camphor. Camphor aroma always makes me feel strong and aroused. So, this ubton would definitely uplift your mind.

How to Apply?
As I have severely dry and sensitive skin, so I mixed this Ubton with Honey, raw milk and few drops of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. But, if you have oily skin, you can only use raw milk and rose water. I kept the mask on for 5 to 10 minutes. Believe me, you are gonna love this pampering session. The aroma refreshes my mind and soul.
After wash off, I could see a healthy glowing and refreshing skin. My skin looked much clearer and healthy. I love it. 
*** CA IMPRESSION: 4.9/5***

So, I tried real hard, but could not find any con as such. I am definitely gonna buy this product once I finish the other pouch too. Ubtan is believed to be a bridal ritual. But, in my opinion, just go for these pouches. They are an amazing option if you are travelling or have an immediate function to attend. I am sure you would love it too.

Buy from: HERE

So, that is all for today. I hope you like this review. Love you all, take care. I will meet you soon on my next blog. And in between, you can watch my recent videos on my Youtube channel. The link is below. Thank you once again. Let us celebrate womanhood together.

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**Product sent by the brand to review. But, all the opinions are solely mine.

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