Know Why and How Magnesium and Electrolyte Deficiencies Can Cause Serious Health Issues

Explore the hazardous side of Magnesium and other electrolytes Deficiencies. Also know the list of nutrients that can treat this problem.

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Low magnesium levels can be harmful to people and a deficiency can range from mild to severe.

Electrolytes like magnesium are responsible for a lot of reactions in the body, and the muscles, heart, and brain rely heavily on this mineral to do their job. See information about magnesium here.

What Happens in the Body due to Lack of Magnesium?

A lack of magnesium can cause an electrolyte imbalance where potassium, sodium, and calcium can also be affected.

While this is often stored in the bones, the body often dissolves this as a fluid that’s available for organ and cell use. 

Hypomagnesemia can often happen to anyone, but some of the signs can include muscle cramps or spasms.

People also experience numbness in the feet and hands, tremors, fatigue, weakness, and abnormal movements of the eyes. 

This is often caused by excessive loss of magnesium through the GI tract or the kidneys or too little intake of the mineral.

There are also nutritional deficiencies that are caused by critically ill patients who need to receive most of the nutrients through an IV and those who are experiencing starvation.

Know How Lack of Magnesium and Electrolyte Cause Health Issues

Everything to Know about Magnesium Supplements

As mentioned, a deficiency in magnesium can result in a drastic change in health. Although you can often find this mineral in various foods, you might want to try some supplements that can offer direct benefits to your body. 

These supplements are nothing new but know that taking the right one can improve muscle function, bone health, heart rhythms, and nerve signals. It can also regulate blood pressure and sugar levels in the body.

If your doctor prescribed a supplement because you’re having problems absorbing this supplement, you might want to take over-the-counter pills or balms that you might be able to absorb better. 

Although some plants contain this mineral, know that the content can be heavily reduced because of food processing.

This is where you can get the most out of the supplements by knowing more about the magnesium balm benefits and how it can be a game-changer.

These tubs often hold a rich and thick cream that the skin can easily absorb. It can replenish the materials that you need, and you can simply rub it on your back or feet to release tension. 

It can also include beeswax, magnesium chloride, fruit oil, shea butter, and other ingredients that are naturally emollient.

It’s essential to choose a company that uses these minerals in their natural state, and they should derive their ingredients from organic sources like seawater.

What are the Sources of Magnesium?

1. Greens

Another alternative to these supplements is to eat foods that are rich in this mineral and incorporate them into your daily diet.

Start with the classic leafy green vegetables in the form of turnips, collard greens, kale, spinach, and more. 

A single cup serving can contain around 150 mg of magnesium and you can also get other nutrients like vitamin A, C, iron, and manganese.

They can reduce cell damage and lower your risk of cancer.  See an overview of these veggies in this link

2. Banana

As a well-known source of potassium, it can lower your chances of getting heart disease, and a large one can contain around 30 to 40 mg of magnesium.

Aside from this, you can get manganese, fiber, and vitamin C. However, the ripe ones may be higher in carbs, so you might want to look for other alternatives.

Overall, it could improve gut health and reduce inflammation in the body.

Dark Chocolate is Great Source of Magnesium

3. Dark Chocolate

For those who love to eat a bar of chocolate, the good news is that a single serving of around an ounce can contain 65mg of the mineral.

You can also get iron and manganese that’s ideal for gut bacteria. Dark chocolate is also full of antioxidants that neutralize the presence of free radicals in the body.

With its flavanols, it’s going to prevent bad cholesterol from forming and oxidizing, preventing them from sticking to the arteries.

However, you need to choose a product that has at least 70% cocoa to get the most benefit.

4. Avocado

With the avocado as an incredibly delicious and nutritious fruit, you can never go wrong because it’s high in various minerals and vitamins.

They are also great sources of fiber, where their carbohydrates can easily be digested. Expect that this is high in monounsaturated fat which is heart-healthy.

You can expect to feel full after eating this and include avocado fruits in your meals. 

5. Nuts and Legumes

Cashews and almonds are great sources of magnesium, and they are also known to be beneficial for people who have diabetes.

Some have higher levels of selenium, and this is often going to reduce the appetite of an individual for unhealthy snacks.

On the other hand, chickpeas, beans, lentils, and peas are known to be rich in nutrients. With their impressive 120 mg of magnesium, they are a great source of protein for many vegetarians.

They can also significantly lower the chance of many people getting heart disease.

Electrolytes are Also Important Component Like Magnesium

Electrolytes: More Than Just Magnesium

So, while many are just focused on magnesium, know that there are other electrolytes that play an essential role in the body to make sure that it remains healthy. Some of them are the following:

Potassium is essential for muscle function and nerve signals. It can be found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, with bananas, oranges, potatoes, and spinach being some of the richest sources.

A medium-sized banana, for instance, provides about 9% or 422 mg of the daily recommended intake of potassium as set by the USDA. More about potassium when you click this web address.

Best known for its role in building and maintaining strong bones and teeth, calcium is also crucial for muscle function and nerve transmission.

Dairy products like milk, tofu, fish, hummus, cheese, and yogurt are excellent sources of calcium.

For those who are lactose intolerant or prefer non-dairy options, leafy greens, almonds, and fortified plant-based milk are good alternatives.

On the other hand, there’s sodium that is often associated with table salt, but it’s also naturally present in many foods.

While it’s essential for maintaining fluid balance and nerve function, it’s important to consume sodium in moderation. 

Excessive sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure and other health issues. Processed foods and restaurant meals are typically high in sodium, so it’s wise to read labels and choose lower-sodium options when possible.

Often paired with sodium, chloride helps maintain fluid balance and is also important for digestion as it forms part of the stomach acid. Like the former, it’s found in salt and many processed foods.

Consumers can also explore bicarbonate, which helps maintain the body’s pH balance, preventing it from becoming too acidic.

While the body produces this electrolyte naturally, it’s also found in some mineral waters and baking soda.

Finally, phosphate is crucial for energy production and bone health, and it’s found in a variety of foods, including meat, dairy, and legumes.

Advantages of Magnesium and Other Electrolytes

What Are the Advantages of a Body with the Right Levels of Electrolytes?

Magnesium and potassium are very important for muscle contractions and relaxation.

Adequate levels can help prevent muscle cramps, spasms, and tremors, and this can help athletes or workers reduce the possibility of accidents in their workplaces.

Also, many of those aforementioned minerals are essential for maintaining a healthy heart. They help regulate blood pressure and heart rhythm and this is great for those who don’t want to experience hypertension. 

Enough calcium in the body is going to help maintain strong bones and prevent osteoporosis that you can find out more in this content

Calcium is the primary building block of bones, while magnesium helps regulate calcium levels in the body, and sufficient intake of both minerals can promote bone density and reduce the risk of fractures.

Magnesium and phosphate are involved in energy production at the cellular level. The former helps convert food into energy, while phosphate is a component of ATP, the molecule that provides energy for most cellular processes.

Adequate intake of these minerals can help reduce fatigue and improve overall energy levels.

An improved transmission of the nerve signals can also be realized because these electrolytes are going to play a role in the communication between the muscles and the nerves.

Reduce the risk of neurological disorders with the right foods and supplements that can make you healthier.

There are also electrolytes like chloride and potassium that can maintain hydration and fluid balance in the body.

It’s going to help the cells function more properly, which is important for people who are often undergoing intense exercise routines.

They can prevent dehydration during a hot summer day, and they can also be helpful to those who are sick.

Also, do you know that magnesium has been linked to improved mood and reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression?

It’s best known as nature’s valium because it can stimulate the body to reduce muscle tension and control brain chemicals to ease anxiety. This stabilizing effect is also linked to adequate intake of magnesium.

Final Takeaway

However, it’s best to consult your doctor and make sure that you’re only consuming the right prescribed doses to be on the safe side.

They are helpful for those who want to prevent constipation and have issues with bowel movements.

It’s also found in some antacids, which can relieve symptoms of indigestion and heartburn. 

Finally, magnesium has been shown to improve sleep quality by regulating neurotransmitters and reducing stress hormones, and enough intake can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy a more restful night’s sleep.

This is particularly beneficial for individuals who suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders.

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