Is It Possible to Keep Growing Hair Even After Crossing 50? A Brief Analysis

After crossing 50, it becomes difficult to grow hair. Well! If you are a quinquagenarian, here is a guideline on how you can do that.

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It is typical for your body to go through a variety of changes as you grow older. During this procedure, you may see changes in your hair. 

Over time, the colour and texture of one’s hair will naturally change. As you grow older, you may notice that your hair becomes thinner or that you have less hair.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to help maintain your hair development after the age of 50.

In this article, Dr Anju Methil who is one of the leading skin specialists in Andheri shares her expertise on “How to Keep your Hair Growing After 50 Years of Age”.

Dr Anju Methil is a qualified dermatologist & cosmetologist in Mumbai with considerable experience in Cosmetic Medicine. Dr Anju is one of the leading female injectors of Treatment for lines and wrinkles and Fillers for non-surgical facial contouring.

What Happens to Your Hair as You Get Older?

Change in colour. Hair follicles are small structures in the scalp and skin that aid in the growth of hair. As you grow older, the pigment produced by the hair follicles decreases. This results in the greying of your hair.

It is also possible that the thickness of your hair will change. It is usual for the thick hair that you had as a teenager or young adult to become fine and thin as you become older.

The diameter of hair strands decreases. It is possible that they will fall out more frequently or that they will not grow back at all.

How to Grow Hair After You Cross Fifty Years of Age

What Causes Hair Loss as You Get Older?

According to Anju Methil, one of the best skin specialists from Andheri says that, In order to better understand why you could be experiencing hair loss as you age, consider the following.

Attributes are passed down through families. Hereditary attributes are qualities that are passed down from one generation to the next.

Is one of your parents balding or has a history of hair loss, or does one of your grandparents? It’s likely that you will as well.

Endocrine Disorders

Hormones are substances produced by glands in the endocrine system and released into the bloodstream. 

When there is an excess or a deficiency of a hormone, this is referred to as an imbalance. A number of endocrine problems are associated with hair loss.

Thyroid Problems

When your thyroid’s hormone production is interrupted, it has an impact on a variety of other systems in your body.

This includes the formation of hair at the root of the hair follicles. If you lose your hair, it is possible that it will not regrow. This can cause thinning across your scalp as well as other regions like your brows to appear thinner.

Reduced Hormonal Assistance

Hair growth is influenced by both male and female hormones. Androgens are a class of hormones that includes testosterone, which is produced by the male reproductive system. 

Androgens are hormones that encourage hair growth on the face and body, as well as the growth of fuller, thicker hair on the scalp notes Dr Anju Methil a premium skin specialist who hails from Andheri.

Deficiencies in Essential Nutrients

 Deficiencies in essential nutrients: Consuming a diet that is deficient in certain nutrients can result in hair loss.


 It is defined as the period of a woman’s life during which her monthly menstrual cycle ceases. This results in a decrease in the production of oestrogen and progesterone in the body.

 These hormones encourage hair to grow more quickly and to remain on the head for longer periods of time. A decrease in the hormone results in a decrease in the amount of hair.

How to Take Care of Your Hair as You Grow Older

 A variety of approaches can be used to encourage hair growth as you grow older.

Washing less regularly is recommended

 It is possible to make your hair dry and brittle by shampooing it too regularly. Don’t over-shampoo your hair. Maintain the cleanliness of your scalp by washing it at least twice each week.

Utilize a conditioner and a volumizing product

 Applying conditioner after shampooing your hair can assist to give moisture and restoring the lustre and natural oils to your hair that may have been stripped away by the shampoo. 

Volumizers can be used to strengthen each strand of hair while also plumping it up and giving more volume to the overall look.

Tips to Take Care of Hair When You Reach the Age of Fifty

Select the most appropriate product

 Do you have a colour in your hair? It’s advisable to visit a professional stylist who can assist you in selecting the safest hair dye for your particular hair type. 

Their recommendations on the most effective shampoos, conditioners, and other hair products might also be helpful.

Consume a diet high in protein

When you get older, it’s natural to find yourself eating less. It is possible that you will become nutritionally inadequate as a result of this. Because hair follicles are primarily composed of protein, it is critical to include protein in your diet.

 A variety of foods include red meat, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, eggs, berries, and avocados are all excellent choices. A daily multivitamin might also be beneficial in order to make up for the nutrients that may be lacking in your diet due to a lack of variety in your diet says, Dr Anju Methil.

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