Is Dental Implant a Long-Term Solution? An Overview

Dental implantations are of different types. Not many people know that. Check out the many benefits and disadvantages of dental implants.

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A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth that can be used to replace one that has been lost.

In this article, Dr. Rajat Sachdeva, who provides the best Dental Implant in Delhi, has discussed whether dental implants are a long-term solution or not.  

The implant, which acts as an artificial tooth root, is placed into or onto your jawbone. 

The implant is covered with a crown, which is a prosthetic tooth.

Often, dental implants cause bacterial infections that can be treated painlessly with new age techniques like Ozone therapy Missoula.

A dental implant, in general, is intended to be a permanent fixture in your mouth. Dr. Rajat Sachdeva says, “for 10 years, studies have shown that dental implants have a 90 to 95 per cent success rate.”

On the other hand, a dental implant has the potential to fail months or years after it is placed. 

This can be due to a variety of factors.

Let’s take a look:

  • how long do implants last
  • how an unsuccessful implant gets treated
  • why they may fail

How Long do Teeth Implants Last?

According to Dr. Rajat Sachdeva, an excellent dentist from Ashok Vihar, Delhi, Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime. 

Because they interface directly with the jawbone, osseointegration bonds them to the surrounding bone tissue.

The material of the implant and the surrounding bone have fused when osseointegration is complete.

As a result, the implant can substitute for a natural tooth root, providing a stable foundation for a prosthetic tooth.

While the implant is meant to last a lifetime, the crown attached to it may need to be replaced due to normal wear and tear.

In 15 to 20 years, 50 to 80 per cent of crowns may need to be replaced.

Different Kinds of Dental Implants

Dental implants are divided into two categories.

Endostea Implants

Endosteal implants

Endosteal implants, which resemble small screws or cylinders, are the most common type of dental implant.

Titanium is commonly used, but ceramic can also be used.

These implants are typically inserted into your jawbone in a two-step procedure.

You won’t feel any tooth pain because you’ll be sedated during the procedure.

“Your surgeon will begin by making an incision in your gums. After that, they’ll carefully drill a hole in your jawbone to make room for the implant,” says Dr.Rajat Sachdeva from Ashok Vihar.

Your jawbone and gums will be allowed to heal after the implant is placed. “A crown is typically attached to the implant during a follow-up visit using a metal post called an abutment,” adds Dr.Rajat Sachdeva, an excellent dentist from Delhi.

An additional procedure may be required in some cases before an endosteal implant can be placed.

The goal is to give the new implant a more solid foundation in your jawbone. The following are some examples of such procedures:

  • sinus lift
  • bone grafts
  • ridge expansion

Subperiosteal Implants 

Under the gums and on top of the jawbone, subperiosteal implants are placed. They’re made up of a metal framework with small extensions that stick out from the gums.

Subperiosteal implants are One Popular Dental Implants

These implants are typically recommended for people who: 

  • don’t have enough healthy jawbone for an endosteal implant; 
  • can’t or don’t want to undergo an additional procedure, such as a bone graft, before implant placement; 

According to Dr. Rajat Sachdeva from Ashok Vihar, Delhi Subperiosteal implants are placed under anaesthesia, just like endosteal implants. 

The placement of implants is a multi-step procedure.

Taking a jawbone impression is the first step. 

This is done to ensure that the implant will fit properly when it is implanted.

To take an impression, your surgeon will need to create a cut to reveal your jawbone. Then it’s time to put the implant in after the area has healed. 

The metal frame of the implant is positioned on top of your jawbone after an incision in your gums is made.

Crowns can be placed on the metal implant frame during a follow-up visit. The small extensions that protrude from your gums are attached to these.

Mini dental implants: What are Those? and How Long do They Last?

Dr. Rajat Sachdeva, Ashok Vihar’s best dentist, says,” Mini dental implants (MDIs) are a smaller version of traditional dental implants. They’re about the size of a toothpick, with a diameter of fewer than 3 millimetres.”

MDIs can be used in areas where there is less available bone because they are smaller.

It’s also a less invasive and straightforward procedure than traditional dental implants

MDIs are frequently used to secure removable dentures. They can also be used to replace a single, small tooth.

MDIs are permanent dental implants that last as long as other dental implants. 

However, there is little scientific evidence of their long-term effectiveness.

What factors can influence the success or failure of a dental implant?

For many people, dental implants can last a lifetime, but they can also fail.

Implant failure is most commonly caused by something interfering with osseointegration or the healing process.

According to Dr. Rajat Sachdeva, factors that may cause implant failure to occur include:

Insufficient Care and Maintenance

Implants require the same level of oral hygiene as natural teeth. 

Plaque buildup can cause gum disease, which can harm both your gums and jawbone.

Peri-implant disease is a condition that occurs when plaque builds up around an implant. 

The peri-implant disease can be reversed in its early stages.

If left untreated, it can lead to a condition known as peri-implantitis, resulting in implant failure.

As a result, when you have an implant, it’s critical to maintain good oral hygiene; these include:

  • Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is part of this.
  • Flossing daily and avoiding sugary foods
  • Visiting your dentist every six months for a checkup

Bone Deficiency

Endosteal implants must be securely anchored in the jawbone. As a result, if there isn’t enough jawbone present to keep the implant in place, it may fail.

A thorough examination of the jawbone is performed before implant placement.

X-rays and 3D modelling may be used to assess the bone quality of the potential implant site.

Some people may choose to undergo a procedure such as bone grafting or sinus lifting before receiving an endosteal implant if they have insufficient bone.

Destabilization of an implant can also occur as a result of bone loss over time. This could be due to:

  • peri-implant disease 
  • osteoporosis
  • other medical conditions that impact bone health.


It has been discovered that people who smoke have a lower success rate with dental implants.

According to Dr. Rajat Sachdeva, smokers have an 11 per cent implant failure rate, compared to 5% for nonsmokers.

Smoking can lead to implant failure by obstructing blood flow to the affected area, compromising osteointegration and the healing process. Gum disease is also exacerbated by smoking.

Grinding of the Teeth

If you grind your teeth or have any occlusal trauma, the implant may fracture, the screw may loosen or fracture, and the porcelain on the crown may fracture.

This is the case because repeated grinding motions — or trauma — can cause tiny implant movements, which can obstruct the osseointegration process.

Medical Problems

Dental implant failure has been linked to several medical conditions, including:

  • diabetes, 
  • osteoporosis, 
  • a weakened immune system and bleeding disorders are symptoms of a weakened immune system.
  • High blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and congestive heart failure are examples of cardiovascular diseases.


In older adults, dental implants may be more likely to fail. 

This is due to the possibility that they have underlying medical or bone conditions. 

In older adults, healing may also take longer.

Treatments or medications

Certain medications or treatments can also influence implant failure.

These are some of them:

  • immunosuppressive drugs
  • blood-thinning medications
  • radiation therapy

What happens if an implant doesn’t work accordingly?

If you have symptoms that point to a failing implant, you should see your dentist or periodontist. Signs of implant failure include:

  1. an implant that moves
  2. symptoms of peri-implantitis, which can consist of the following signs around the implant:
    • swelling
    • bleeding
    • redness
    • pus
    • receding gums
  1. pain, particularly when you’re biting or chewing

Healing an Unsuccessful Implant

An implant that has failed can be removed using local anaesthesia. An implant can be replaced in some cases.

According to Dr.Rajat Sachdeva, replacing single dental implants in the exact location has a 71 per cent overall success rate.

In cases where bone loss has occurred around the implant, a bone graft may be required before a new implant can be placed to help regenerate bone tissue.

It may take several months for you to receive your new implant in this case.

There are other treatment options if you choose not to replace or cannot replace a failed implant. Dental bridges and dentures are examples of these.

If there hasn’t been any significant bone loss, peri-implantitis can be treated without removing the implant. This entails a thorough cleaning and decontamination of the implant and surrounding area, as well as an antibiotic treatment.

Dental Implantations can Bring Back Your Beautiful Smile


Dental implants are intended to last a lifetime. This is since implants interact with your jawbone and osseointegrate with the surrounding bone.

Dental implants can fail in some cases. This could be due to several things.

A failed implant can sometimes be replaced, but other treatment options aren’t an option. “If you notice signs of implant failure, see your dentist or periodontist,” says Dr.Rajat Sachdeva, Delhi’s expert dentist.

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